
Tuesday 14 April 2015

T.D.B is good but be security concious

A day before the presidential election

Along the CHS(college of health science) road close to the new boys hostel three guys or can I call them three unknown gun men, rubbed a group of student along the way.
 most of them that were rubbed said they were going home after the night class they had bt the time, was a bit too late and every were was scanty and quiet because most student went home for the election and the few ones around were asleep then;
 so before they could raise alarm the three armed rubbers were already gone, a particular student that was rubbed also sustain an injury on the head when trying to struggle with the rubbers never knew they had gun on them on the process of struggling with them after they had collected his phone and trying to collect his wallet the student knowing  fully well that his wallet contains his school ID card and his ATM. he  never wanted to lose them so the only option was to struggle with them....during that process of struggling one of them  hit him with the gun on his head and he fell and was bleeding badly. So seeing him lying on the floor they ran.


1. Make sure you don't walk home alone when its late.

2.Make sure that when the time is past ten(10) in the night you stay on campus till down before you leave.

3.Make sure you don't read on a day when you know that the school is scanty and there are few people in class.

4. For the fresher make sure you move in group,most especially the ladies while going to read in the night.

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