
Tuesday 14 April 2015

How much protein,carbohydrate,and fat do you need?

Note, everybody is genetically different. Therefore it is difficult to obtain a specific number needed for everyone.
 Once gain, because of protein's importance of building muscle in the body, we want to shoot for making it account
for approximately 50% of our daily caloric intake.
So if you are 180 pounds and eat 3000 calories a day, your protein intake would be 375 grams, or 1500 calories (3000x.50/4)=375.
If you weigh 200 pounds and eat 3500 calories a day, then 437 grams would come from protein, or 1750 calories (3000x.50/4).
Obviously, different people have different metabolisms eat fewer calories.
Fewer calories mean less protein.
Do not skimp on the protein, though. It is the building block of muscle. Carbs and fats do not have a direct effect on muscle building,only protein does. Add high quality protein to your diet and watch the results it brings
Carbs should account for approximately 40% of your daily caloric intake.if you consume 2500 calories a day, 250 grams should come from carbs, or 1000 calories (2500x40/4). If you consume 400 calories a day (4000x40/4) then 400 grams, or 1600 calories should come from complex sources like vegetables, pasta, grain, and rice.
A word of caution though. Starchy carbs like pasta and rice are highly caloric, meaning a small amount contains a high number of calories, so be cautious of how many more vegetables as your carb sources of how many more vegetables as your carb source through out the day without that spike associated with simple carbs(carbohydrates)
Keep fat intake to approximately 10% of your daily caloric intake. This plenty for optimal health without adding all of the empty calories.
If you eat 3000 calories a day, 33 grams or 300 calories should come from fat when following a good, high-protein, moderate carb diet, the proper fat intake will take care of itself, meaning you do not need to add extra fats to ensure adequate intake.
Due to the caloric dense nature of fats( a calories per gram), excess calories over load than will protein( 4 calories per gram) or carbohydrates (4 calories per gram). So keep fat intake to a minimum.

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