
Wednesday 15 April 2015

(only in NDU) a girl was mercilessly tied and beat up by her roomies

This is what happened in "girls HOSTEL 'F"  in Niger Delta University.
A girl from WING  A" of HOSTEL F' was beat up
At about lam this morning 14 April 2015  , a year one girl was beat up by her room mates.
 The girl was said to be disrespectful to her roommates. But dear readers that is not a criterion to beat someone up.
For the past few weeks the girl had been locked out a few times.........due to their threats the girl does compulsory "TDB"(reading till day break) she sometimes sleeps in 'WING b" of HOSTEL F". On this Tuesday they decided to execute their plan.
This was how they beat her up
She was tied up, this girl who was beat up is smallish..............
she was tied up...
they beat her with a cloth hanger.....
they loosed her hair she just fixed...
They cut her Sim card so she won't try to call her parents .....
They used her head to hit the room bunk!
They put her head in the trash can,
There were serious WOUNDS on her back...
They even tied her mouth so she won't scream...

This is the worst of them all
THEY INJECTED HER WITH TRAMADOL so that she would be too weak to shout,scream or make a sound...
 Roommates from nearby rooms  knocked on the door but no one opened.....
They beat her according to her age .....stories from girls in the hostel were carried that she was asked her age and beat in like manner.
People said she is 22..some said 24
After I saw victim this morning and heard this story I cried .....even the bible says the heart of man is desperately wicked.
The victim was even guided to ease herself and the beating continued after that.....
There was a girl in the room who was crying ....she wanted to report to the hostel rep. But she was also threats
We were looking for a Porter to report the incident to but he wasn't around.
We went to the Vice chancellors to report cause his house was close to the hostel but security didn't let us through.

This morning at about 7;30 the hostel was so roudy ..girls everywhere were deliberating on the matter....
They almost beat up the  roommates of the victim if not for the intervention of the hostel rep.
When a security man rushed down to the scene to take the accused to the security office, girls followed from behind and were insulting the  accused...
The rest girls who joined in beating the victim ran away with help from a very troublesome executive in the hostel.
A brave girl used a hanger to whip the accused on her face so that she would feel a little of what she did to the victim.....

From the scene (room 18 ) of hostel F' ,,,
Blood stains were found under the bed.
An injection was found
The hanger and belt use on the victim were found.

The associate dean came and addressed the student of the hostel at about 9;00 am this morning ...
The matter is now on  the school security"s desk...a

From an HOSTEL F resident.

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